How to create a ‘feel good’ routine during lockdown or quarantine
Love, dating and sex are important, but the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself, but it’s usually the one we put last on our priority list for love.
We put ourselves through the wringer sometimes and we can’t seem to know when to stop and say ‘no’. We have this innate need to please everyone and get as much work done as possible, all while maintaining a household, kids, cooking and everything that goes with daily life.
While we try to keep up with our own busy lives we often forget about the things we love doing just for the sake of doing them; whatever your idea of self indulgence is, it usually ends up not getting done because your energy is depleted. As we look to self care now more than ever, whether you’re in self isolation, social distancing or just want to give yourself some love, it can also be hard to navigate how much self-love is too much.
Having a feel good schedule helps bring in your favourite activities and incorporate them into your daily life, that way you won’t feel as out of touch with yourself and feel more fulfilled from your day. Routine is especially important here as it can be easy to drop off the things we do for ourselves first, so sticking to your schedule is essential to adding more self love in your repertoire without compromise. We’ve come up with a few ideas that can help you bring your feel good game up a notch:
Getting amongst nature
If you have the ability to still go out and about, take some alone time and become one with nature. Leave the headphones at home and head to your local park, reserve or even the beach for a walk and some Vitamin D. By listening to your surroundings instead of blaring, distracting music, you can really appreciate the present moment and practice gratitude for things as simple as being able to hear and see.
You’ll find yourself feeling humbled when you get home and all those good endorphins will lift your mood – even if it’s 30 minutes of your day! If you can’t quite leave the home, grab some paper, paint or a pen and head to your porch, balcony or backyard for some fresh air and inspiration. Write, draw, doodle; even if you aren’t good at it, you’re releasing a creative flow that’s been trapped in you, so let it out!
Make something from nothing
A lot of people find cooking fulfilling for this reason because you’re taking a bunch of individual ingredients and turning it into something delicious and satisfying – and what makes it so satisfying is knowing you made it all on your own. Even if you aren’t a wiz in the kitchen, try an easy recipe that you can find online (or TikTok) and see how it goes; sometimes cooking can be therapeutic and offer a good distraction from the outside world.
If you prefer to leave the cooking to the restaurants on Uber Eats, why not go for something more crafty? Search YouTube for easy ways to learn how to knit and do a little bit each day, or paint those pot plants you’ve been meaning to use, or even make yourself a homemade avocado facial, giving you a boost that fits into your feel good schedule. When we make something out of what was once nothing, it offers a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment that you can’t get from work or doing chores.
Quieting your mind
Sometimes we just want to block out the world and let our minds focus on thinking about absolutely nothing – which is particularly hard for us women. Practicing an activity each day that helps quiet your mind and give you a sense of calm can bring a myriad of benefits to your overall health and lower your stress levels. Some people practice meditation for 10 minutes each morning as a way to start their day, with apps like Calm and Headspace available to help boost gratitude, focus and peace.
Allowing yourself the permission to quiet your mind is a great first step toward self-love; engaging in activities like completing a jigsaw puzzle, colouring in a mandala, or simply making your favourite cup of tea with a good book in hand is giving yourself the chance to put you first.
Final thoughts
Even if you become busy, taking time out for yourself doesn’t need to be hours upon hours – if you find it difficult to fit in a feel good schedule, start with just 20 minutes a day and slowly work your way up to whatever is right for you. Only you know exactly what your mind and body needs, so being open and comfortable with getting into this vital routine can help create a shift you never knew you needed.