Module 1

Lesson #2: Connecting with your feeling self!

Unfortunately, through life, we have learned to switch off our feelings and what they might be telling us. However, for you to have a strong connection with yourself, you need to know what and how you are feeling. It’s important to be able to connect with those feelings, they are something we need to pay attention to. Being able to connect to those feelings and yourself in the moment is empowering and offers you either an intuitive guide and/or immediate feedback of your current world. This is difficult when we spend so much time in our heads and not listening to our bodies.

Why should you listen to your body? Because the body doesn’t have a little voice saying it is wrong. It gives immediate uncompromised feedback of what we are feeling, it’s those messages from the body that travel to our minds and become distorted.

When you start dating someone, you should be applying the 80/20 rule: you need to spend 80 percent of the time tuning into how he makes you feel rather than trying to prove your ‘worth’. This is where the majority of women go wrong. You spend so much time trying to impress him and making sure you present well, wondering whether the guy on the other side of the table likes you or finds you interesting, all the while you have ignore how you are feeling and missed all their red flags!

The secret to landing a man you want and desire is to be more concerned about what you need rather than trying to win him over – the way we do this is by ‘leaning back’.

When I say lean back, I mean get curious about your feelings and insight, whether something feels good for you or not instead of being anxious about making him like you or be attracted to you (this comes across as energetically desperate, almost forceful). It’s your anxieties, the fears and unhelpful self-talk that drives you to want to be loved, worrying this one will get away and you will be single forever!

These anxieties hinder the flow between the two of you and ruins what could be a great connection – all he feels now is forceful energy, making him pull away further. Resist the urge to constantly push yourself onto him and remember if you come from a place of curiosity and a desire to know how you feel, the anxious feelings subside; there is no need to be nervous anymore, there is no need to perform!